Chapter 2 - Community
While we may not have control over echo chambers, algorithms, and cable news outlets, in our classrooms we have a fantastic opportunity to create a sense of community for our students.
-Bring History & Civics to Life
Resources & Links
Community Building Circles
Try One New Thing Challenge
Review CASEL's Community Building Circles Guide and plan your first community circle.
#TryOneNewThingChallenge Background
In order to help guide you on this journey, we have provided* easy-to-implement ideas that can have a lasting impact on your classroom. You don't have to do everything, just try one new thing. Tag us on Twitter @BringHistoryToLife using the hashtag #TryOneNewThingChallenge. We'd love to connect and celebrate with you!
*Easy-to-implement ideas provided throughout our site, Jump Start guide, and book: Bring History and Civics to Life, Lessons and Strategies to Cultivate Informed, Empathetic Citizens
ISTE Standards
ISTE Student Standard 1.7: Global Collaborator:
Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich
their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.”