Go local! The power of teaching history through a local lens.

Amy King
is a secondary history teacher, as well as an adjunct professor in higher education. Amy has received many awards and recognitions for her contributions to education including being named as a 2021 Grosvenor Teacher Fellow with National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions, the 2019 Gilder Lehrman North Carolina History Teacher of the Year & National Finalist, and receiving the 2019 NCSU College of Education EdTalks Outstanding Alumni Award.
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Lesson Summary:
Place-based local history—Taking macro (historical events, ex.: The U.S. Civil War) and analyzing the impact on the local community (micro).
Students will:
engage in inquiry through local historical place-based
engage in discussion surrounding the impact on the local community based on historical events.
ISTE Standards:
1.3 Knowledge Constructor
1.7 Global Collaborator
Try One New Thing:
Bring one local connection from your community into your classroom that is connected to a larger event in history to help students make connections between micro and macro history. Ideas for possible connections include:
Guest speakers (Community Member, City Council, School Board Member, etc.)
Newspaper articles
Historic locations
Local monuments
Local museums or archives