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Chapter 5 -
Lesson Design & Inspiration

Congratulations! Whether you have read through our entire book (available in our store), reviewed the resources provided on this site, or both, you have consumed an exorbitant amount of information.

How to make the most of these resources: 

1) Grab your beverage of choice 

2) Make a copy of our sample lesson plan template (below)

3) Review the sample lesson plans...grab what works for you...the entire lesson, a piece of it, strategy, etc.

4) Start designing your lesson plan.

5) Enjoy the adventure!

Laurel & Karalee's Lessons

The U.S. Indian Removal Act 
   (An Introduction Through Primary Sources)

Monuments and Memorials 
   (A Structured Academic Controversy)

Contributor Lessons

Each of the lesson plans below was written by a wonderful educator from across the United States. You may find that while they are leveled for a specific age group/grade level, each contributor has offered suggestions for scaffolding and extensions for rigor. We truly appreciate the generosity of each of the contributors in making these lessons available for you. 


You can use the lesson in its entirety or take pieces and create your own lesson with the lesson plan template located above. Happy lesson planning!  

Dr. Martin Luther King

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Impact on the Civil Rights Movement: Students will describe how Dr. King and his “I Have a Dream” speech contributed to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.

The Black Death:

The Black Death: Can we learn anything useful from an event that happened over 600 years ago? Students will understand the impact that the “Black Death” had on the global population during the Medieval era.


Analyzing the Past to Chart the Future:  Intro to Historiography. Student-driven discourse and application of historical literacy and inquiry will challenge students to find their voice and connect social issues to their historical roots.  

Pacific Northwest Native Americans

Pacific‌ ‌Northwest‌ ‌Native‌ ‌Americans-Connections‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Land‌: Students will demonstrate their understanding of new learnings about the Pacific Northwest  Native  Americans and their connections  to  the  land  in a collaborative setting with their peers. 

Manifest Destiny

Justifying US Manifest Destiny? Students will demonstrate an authentic understanding of the concept of Manifest Destiny and identify different factors that motivated groups to move westward in the United States.

Museum Studies

Museum Studies - Have fun studying an artifact to learn about the past. Students will learn how to analyze primary source artifacts and infer the different usages of historical artifacts.

Athenian Democracy

Athenian Democracy: 

Students will learn about the key differences between Athenian, or direct, democracy and representative democracy.

Global Migration

Student Response and Action in the Age of Global Migration. Students will engage in a simulated digital journey of Syrian refugees and learn about refugees’ stories.

Local History

Go local! The power of teaching history through a local lens. Place-based local history—Taking macro (historical events, ex.: The U.S. Civil War) and analyzing the impact on the local community (micro).


Website Editor: Stacey Olson |


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